Events > Exploring and understanding non-conscious processes

October 4, 2019

Cussay, France, 4-7 October 2019

about the workshop

Learning to have our meets met when we were growing up was sometimes a confusing and hurtful endeavour. The reaction we got from our carers sometimes invited us into believing that it wasn’t OK to get our needs met and, if we did, the way to accomplish it was to adapt to their given conditioning. This process supported the development of our script beliefs. Not adapting generated all sorts of negative feelings. As part of the same process, we’ve learned to discount our authentic needs and develop alternative strategies through accessing less genuine feelings that seemed to be accepted by our context. 

We run Rackets, and find people to Racketeer with, to avoid feeling the original (bad) feeling and so avoid having to notice and deal with the script belief behind it. We are so good at this that we don’t ever think about it. We have discounted things that have challenged our script so that we didn’t need to feel the bad feelings again, and our Rackets now limit our ability to make good choices and often result in us getting “stuck” and/or un-necessarily anxious. Instead of using our ability to be spontaneous in our choices in the present moment, we continue to over account for those fantasies that support our script.

This weekend will focus on understanding these non-conscious, defensive processes that influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Then we will find ways to notice the Rackets that we run, and explore ways and means of reducing their influence on us and expanding our choices.   

We will work co-creatively with the participants to maximise the learning available. There will be group and individual work and exercises, interspersed with theory and explorations.

This workshop is intended for, and will benefit, anyone who wants a deeper understanding of how our non-conscious defensive processes impact on our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and wants to reduce their influence and have access to more autonomous choices.


An increased awareness of the influence of our non-conscious defensive patterns on our behaviour

Experience of replacing constraining Racket behaviours and script beliefs with more appropriate, and positive, thinking, feeling and behaving

An improved ability to account for our genuine needs and feelings

Workshop delivered by Paul Robinson PTSTA(E) and Traian Bossenmayer PTSTA(O).

location: Les Petites Cigognes, 37240 Cussay, France

Brain and heart working in
shared responsibility




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