Resurse și idei

TA Management & Organizational Development

Events, January 15, 2022

If you want to investigate the complexity of organizations, then the TA Management & Organizational Development program might just be “IT”. This training is about increasing your own effectiveness in managing groups and organizations and daring to work on the edge of change. 

Present centredness – a co-creative perspective

Events, December 18, 2021

Facilitated by Paul Robinson (PTSTA-E) and Traian Bossenmayer (PTSTA-O) In this session we will explore the CCTA tenet of Present Centeredness. We spend much of our time repeating unconscious patterns that serve us well most of the time, especially through our day-to-day activities, but when it comes to accounting for our environment from an aware […]

Curs introductiv in Analiza Tranzactionala – AT 101

Events, August 6, 2021

In cursul AT101 vi se ofera o prezentare generala a conceptelor cheie, a valorilor si abordarii Analizei Tranzacționale precum si a modului de aplicare a acesteia in context profesional. Veți afla cum sunt influentati oamenii de povestile lor de viața si impactul pe care acestea le pot avea la vârsta adulta. Veți descoperi teoria comunicarii din AT si modul in care aceasta poate fi utilizata pentru a ajunge la parteneriate constructive si pentru a facilita o cultura de grup sanatoasa. Vom petrece mai mult timp pe anumite concepte – investigandu-le mai in detaliu cu ajutorul exempleor tale; alte notiuni vor fi atinse numai in trecere, indeajuns cat sa trezeasca curiozitatea.

Transactional Analysis Introductory course – TA 101

Events, January 5, 2021

In the TA101 course you get an overview of the development, key concepts, values and approach of Transactional Analysis, as well as how to apply it in a professional context. You will find out how people are shaped by life stories, and the influence these can have in adulthood. You will discover TA communication theory, and how it can be used to reach effective agreements, good partnerships and foster a healthy group culture. We’ll spend a little longer at some points – taking a closer look with the aid of your examples; other points will only be touched on in passing, perhaps whetting the appetite for more.

Brain and heart working in
shared responsibility




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